Poets and Pancakes by Ashokamitran class 12th English All Questions And Answers | UP BOARD |


Poets and Pancakes class 12


1.        What was pancake ? How was it related to Gemini studios ?

पैनकेक क्या था ? वह जेमिनी स्टूडियोज से कैसे सम्बन्धित था ?

Answer. Pancake was the brand name of the make-up material. It was related to Gemini studios as it was used in Gemini studios for the make-up of all the artists including seniors and juniors.


2.        Where was the make-up department of the Gemini studios situated ?  जेमिनी स्टूडियोज का श्रृंगार विभाग कहाँ पर स्थित था ?

 Answer. The make-up department of the Gemini studios was situated in the upstairs of a building that was believed to have been Robert clive's stables.


3.        How could national integration be seen in make-up department ?  श्रृंगार विभाग में राष्ट्रीय एकीकरण को कैसे देखा जा सकता था ?

In the make-up department, national integration could be seen by observing the peoples working there. It contained Bengali, Maharashtrian , Andhra, local Tamils and others from other culture and places who showed national integration.


4.       What strict hierarchy was maintained in make-up department ?

श्रृंगार विभाग में क्या सख्त अनुक्रम (पद क्रम) निर्वाहित किया जाता था ?

Answer. In the make-up department, a strict hierarchy was maintained. The chief make-up man used to make-up chief actors and actresses, his senior assistant made the 'second' hero and heroine, the junior assistant the main comedian and so forth.




5.       Who was the 'office boy' ? What were his qualities ?  'ऑफिस ब्वॉय' (कार्यालय में कार्य करने वाला लड़का) कौन था ? उसकी क्या विशेषताएं थी ?

The 'office boy' was a worker in the make-up department of Gemini studios who shouldered the responsibility of painting (pancake) to the crowd players. He was not exactly a 'boy', he was in early forties. He was a bit of a poet.



6.       How did the 'boy' help the author to enlighten his talent ?  'लड़के' ने लेखक की उसके हुनर को जानकारी देने (प्रकाश डालने) में कैसे मदद की ?  

Answer. The 'boy' in the make-up department once decided that the author should be enlightened on how great literary talent was being allowed to go waste in a department fit only for barbers and perverts.


7.        Who was Kothamangalam Subbu ?  कोथामंगलम सुब्बू कौन था ?

Kothamangalam Subbu was the N. 2. at Gemini studios. He was a Brahmin and tailor made for films. He had the quality to handle each and every situation in any case. He was the right hand of the boss of the Gemini studios.


8.       What was the position of Subbu in Gemini studios and why ?  जेमिनी स्टूडियोज में सुब्बू की क्या स्तिथि थी और क्यों ?

The position of Subbu in Gemini studios was N. 2. It was so because Subbu was having the solution of every problem and sometimes he counselled the boss also when the boss was fixed in a problem. Secondly, Subbu was ready to solve every problem always and his behaviour was very cheerful towards everybody.


9.       What were the works and abilities of Subbu ?  सुब्बू के कार्य व योग्यताएं क्या थीं ?

Answer. Subbu's works and abilities were a lot of more. In the absence of the boss, he was there to manage each and everything. Subbu had a separate identity as a poet. He was a successful person in films. He was an amazing actor also. He was a charitable and improvident man who used to feed and support many person who meet with him in their needs.


10.   Why did Subbu have enemies at Gemini studios ?  जेमिनी स्टूडियोज में सुब्बू के दुश्मन क्यों थे ?

Answer. Subbu had enemies in Gemini studios due to many reasons. It was so because he seemed so close and intimate with the boss. His general demeanour resembled a sychophant. His readiness to say nice things about everything for his popularity. These all were the reasons which made his enemies in the Gemini studios.


11.   What was the story department in Gemini studios ?  जेमिनी स्टूडियोज में कथानक (कहानी) विभाग क्या था ?

Answer. In Gemini studios, there was a department called 'story department' comprised a lawyer and a assembly of writers and poets. Subbu was also grouped under the story department.


12.   How did the lawyer of story department destroy the career of an extremely brilliant actress ? कहानी विभाग के वकील ने एक अत्यधिक हुनरमंद अभिनेत्री का पेशा (कैरियर) कैसे तबाह किया ?

Answer. The lawyer of the story department destroyed the career of an extremely brilliant actress by switching on the recording equipment when once that actress blew over on the sets. Then later, the lawyer played hack the recording and the actress struck dumb and after it she never recovered from the terror she felt that day.


13.   Why did the lawyer loose his job ?  वकील ने अपनी नौकरी कैसे खोई ?

Answer. The lawyer lost his job because one day the boss closed down the story department and this was perhaps the only instance in all human history where a lawyer lost his job because the poets were asked to go home.


14.   What is communism ? How was it seen in Gemini studios ? साम्यवाद क्या है ? जेमिनी स्टूडियोज में वह कैसे देखा जाता था ?

Answer. Communism is a totalitarian system of Government in which a single authoritarian part controls state-owned means of production. In Gemini studios, all aversed to the term 'Communism'. According to them, a communist was a godless man who had no filial or conjugal love.


15.   What was Moral Re- Armament army ? मॉरल रि-आर्मामेंट आर्मी (सेना) क्या है ?

Answer. Moral Re-Armament army was a big troop with some two hundred strong members leaded by Frank Buchmann. MRA was a kind of counter- movement to international communism. Somebody called the group an international circus.


16.   Who was the another visitor at Gemini studios ? Why was he welcomed ?  जेमिनी स्टूडियोज में दूसरा आगंतुक कौन था ? उसका स्वागत क्यों किया गया था ?  


The another visitor at Gemini studios was an English poet (or editor) Stephen spender. He was welcomed in the Gemini studios because he was directly invited by Mr. S.S. Vasan, the boss (owner) of Gemini studios.


17.   Why did the visitor of an English poet remain an unexplained mystery ?  एक अंग्रेजी कवि का आगमन एक अस्पष्टीकृत रहस्य क्यों बनकर रह गाय ?


The visitor of an English poet remained an unexplained mystery because he was an English poet with a territorial accent and he had addressed the Tamil audience in the Gemini studios where Tamil films were made and the audience of Gemini studios had no meaning with English.


18.   What was 'The Encounter' ?  'द एनकाउंटर' क्या था ?

Answer. 'The Encounter' was a British periodical published in England and used to organise short story contests for all of its readers all over the world.


19.   Who was 'Stephen spender' and how was he related to Gemini studios ?

स्टीफन स्पेंडर कौन था और वह जेमिनी स्टूडियोज से कैसे संबंधित था ?

 Answer. 'Stephen spender' was an English poet (or editor) and once he arrived to Gemini studios on the invitation of the owner of the studios, Mr. S.S. Vasan, to give speech, to address all the members of Gemini studios.


20.   What was 'The God that failed' ? What did it refer to ?  'द गॉड दैट फेल्ड' क्या था ? वह क्या उल्लेख करता है ?

Answer. 'The God that failed' was a book, an elegant paperback of American origin, a special low priced student edition, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Russian revolution, written by six eminent men of letters in six separate essays. It referred to their journeys into communism and their disillusioned return.


21.   Who owned the Gemini studios ?  जेमिनी स्टूडियोज का मालिक कौन था ?

 Answer. Mr. S.S. Vasan owned Gemini studios. He was a businessman of many businesses. He was the owner of Ananda Vikatan, a Tamil-language weekly magazine and he bought motion picture producers 'combines and renamed it as Gemini studios.


Poets and Pancakes class 12

Long answers


1.        Describe make-up room in Gemini studios. How was the pancake used in large quantity there and what was the hierarchy there ?  जेमिनी स्टूडियोज में श्रृंगार-कक्ष का वर्णन कीजिए | वहाँ पर पेनकेक बड़ी मात्रा में कैसे उपयोग किया जाता था तथा वहाँ पर पदक्रम क्या था ?

In Gemini studios, there was a department named make-up department situated in the upstairs of a building that was believed to have been Robert Clive's stables. There pancake was used in large quantity because it was used to make-up the whole crowed going for shooting at that time. A strict hierarchy was maintained in the make-up department. As the chief make- up man made-up the chief actors and actresses, his senior assistant the 'second' hero and heroin, the junior assistant the main comedian, and so forth.




2.       What was the author's role in Gemini studios ? How did the talent of the author come in light ? What was his actual role ?  जेमिनी स्टूडियोज में लेखक की क्या भूमिका थी ? लेखक का हुनर कैसे प्रकाश में आया ? उसकी वास्तविक भूमिका क्या थी ?

 Answer. The author worked in a cubicle. He used to tear up newspapers day in and day out and collected those for further usage. Once the office boy of the make-up department decided to enlighten the great literary. The actual role of the author in the Gemini studios was to collect the information through newspapers and periodicals.



3.       Who was Kothamangalam Subbu ? What was his position in Gemini studios and how did he achieve it ?  कोथामंगलम सुब्बू कौन था ? जेमिनी स्टूडियोज में उसकी क्या स्थिति थी और उसने वह कैसे प्राप्त की ?

Answer. Kothamangalam Subbu was the right hand of the boss in Gemini studios. His position in Gemini studios was N. 2. He achieved this position by his hard works and his nature and behaviour was so good.He had many qualities as he became always ready to handle any situation, solve any problem either related to the profession or the personal. He had a genuine love for anyone he came across and his house was so good.


4.        Describe the versatility of Kothamangalam Subbu. कोथामंगलम सुब्बू की बहुमुखी प्रतिभा का वर्णन कीजिए |  

Answer. Kothamangalam Subbu was undoubtedly a versatile personality sitting at N. 2 in Gemini studios. Some of his qualities are following as below.

(1) He had the solution for every problem.

(2) He had work for every employee always.

(3) He used to advise the boss even in his problems.

(4) He was a good manager who managed everything in the absence of the boss.

(5) He himself was a good actor and a poet.


5.       What was Moral Re-Armament Army ? Why did it come to Gemini studios and what were its effect on the local actors ?  मॉरल रि-आर्मामेंट आर्मी क्या थी ? वह जेमिनी स्टूडियोज क्यों पहुँची और क्षेत्रीय (वहाँ के) कलाकारों पर उसके क्या प्रभाव पड़े ? Answer.  Moral Re-Armament Army was a troop with almost two hundred strong skilled artists, leaded by Frank Buchman. That army (Group) reached Madras in 1952. At Gemini studios, it visited to give presentation. That troop was invited by Gemini studios and welcomed very warmly. They presented two plays 'Jotham valley' and the forgotten factor which impacted the audience of Gemini studios very effectively for a longtime.


6.        Who was the visitor came to Gemini studios ? How did the audiencce take his visit ? What was his connection with the book 'The God that failed' ?  जेमिनी स्टूडियोज में आने वाला आगंतुक कौन था ? श्रोताओं ने उसके आगमन को कैसे लिया ? उसकी पुस्तक 'द गॉड दैट फेल्ड' से क्या संबंध था ?

Anawer. One day, after a long wait and continuous rumors and imaginations about the expected visitor, finally around four in the afternoon, the poet (or an editor) Stephen Spender arrived at Gemini studios that moment. The book 'The God that failed', which the author Ashokamitran found on the footpath once after leaving Gemini studios, was written by six eminent scholars and Stephen Spender was one out of those six essayists.



7.      Why was KothamangalamSubbu considered No. 2 in Gemini Studios?


KothamangalamSubbu was considered No. 2 in Gemini Studios for the following reasons:

(i)                  Subbu was always seen with the Boss.


(ii)                 His sense of loyalty made him identify himself with his principal completely and turn his entire creativity to his principal's advantage.



(iii)                He was tailor-made for films.


(iv)               When the producer would say that he didn't know how to do the scene, Subbu would come out with four ways. Even if the producer was in doubt, Subbu, in a minute, would come out with fourteen more alternatives.



(v) He was a successful actor-he never aspired to the lead roles-but whatever subsidiary role he played in any of the films, he performed better than the supposed main players.




Poets and Pancakes class 12

Poets and Pancakes class 12


1. Pancake was the brand name of the make-up __________that Gemini Studios bought in truck-loads.

(a) material

(b) goods

(c) cosmetics

(d) articles


2. The make-up department was first headed by a_________________.

(a) Maharashtrian

(b) Andhra

(c) Bengali

(d) Tamilian


3. Those were the days of mainly indoor shooting, only__________and per cent of the film was shot outdoors.

(a) ten

(b) five

(c) thirty

(d) seven


4. KothamangalamSubbu was the No. at Gemini___________Studios.

(a) 1

(b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 2


5. Subbu had a separate identity as______________.

(a) an actor

(b) a comedian

(c) a poet

(d) a writer


6. The story department comprised a ____________ and an assembly of writers and poets.

(a) Producer

(b) lawyer

(c) Story writer

(d) legal adviser


7. Any other member of the Department wore a kind of uniform_________.

(a) Khadi dhoti

(b) Dhoti kurta

(c) Pant shirt

(d) Khadi shirt


8. A Communist was a ___________man ________ he had no filial or conjugal love.

(a) selfish

(b) emotionless

(c) Godless

(d) different


9. Frank Buchman's Moral Re-Armament army visited Madras sometime in________________.

(a) 1942

(b) 1952

(c) 1962

(d) 1902


10. The staff of Gemini Studios had a nice time hosting _________________ people of all hues and sizes of at least twenty nationalities.

(a) three hundred

(b) four hundred

(c) one hundred fifty

(d) two hundred


11. ____________was also the editor of the popular Tamil Weekly Ananda Viketan.

(a) Subbu

(b) Vasan

(c) Stephen Spender

(d) S.D.S. Yogiar


12. A short story contest was organised by a British periodical by the name_________________.

(a) The Encounter

(b) The Contest

(c) The prose piece

(d) None


13. The poet who visited the Gemini Studios was_________________.

(a) an English poet

(b) a Swedish poet

(c) an Indian

(d) None


14. The copy of 'The God That Failed' costed __________in those days.

(a) five rupees

(b) fifty paise

(c) seventy paise

(d) one rupee





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